Sunday, October 2, 2022

Singer School (Episode 1: First Day)

 hello guys, welcome to my blog! this is where I post episodes of my series called "Singer School", here's the first episode called "First Day", hope you enjoy it!, so sit back, relax, and enjoy!

Nicky Youre: dear diary, today I'm starting off my first day of singer school!, even though I'm kind of worried about being the new kid at school, I hope to make new friends and survive singer school..., anyways, I got to go cause the bus is here. talk to you later, Nicky Youre.

*Nicky Youre goes to the bus*

Kate Bush (Bus Driver): Hi!, are you Nicky Youre?

Nicky Youre:(nervously) y-yes, I am.

Kate Bush: sweet!, I'm your bus driver, Kate.

Nicky Youre: hello Kate!

Kate Bush: You can sit anywhere you want.

Nicky Youre: thanks! (he gets on the bus, everyone is staring at him)

Nicky Youre:*gulp*, h-hi guys! (goes to find a seat)

Nicky Youre walks to a seat but gets tripped in the process, he looks up at the person who tripped him)

???: sorry, didn't see you there, new kid.

Nicky Youre: w-who are you?

Harry Styles: my name is Harry Styles, I'm the most popular singer in this school.

Nicky Youre: nice to meet you, harry. my name is Nicky Youre.

Harry Styles: Youre!, HAHAHA, what kind of lame name is that?

Nicky Youre: It's a much better name than styles, i guess.

Harry Styles gets angry and grabs Nicky Youre by his shirt.

Harry Styles: listen here, Youre. I can make your life a living nightmare and beat you up. or you stay out of my way!

Nicky Youre: Sorry, i'll stay out of your way.

Harry Styles: good choice... (lets go of Nicky), be gone, loser.

Nicky Youre walks away and sits in the back of the bus.

Nicky Youre: (sigh...) I wish I had my head out the sunroof

???: having a rough day, huh?

Nicky Youre: yea, I was thinking how this was gonna be fun, but now it's kind of going wrong.

???: Don't worry. bad days aren't always the funnest, but once this week is over, you'll get the hang of things.

Nicky Youre: thanks, uhh... what's your name?

Tate McRae: my name is Tate McRae, nice to meet you.

Nicky Youre: My name is Nicky Youre...

Tate: that's a cool name to be honest

Nicky: thanks, that Harry dude didn't think it was cool.

Tate: don't mind him, he's tryna make everyone's day miserable

Nicky: he made mine miserable.

Tate: just don't pay any attention to him.

Nicky: Thanks, Tate.

Tate: no problem, oh, we're at the school already!

Nicky (looking out the window): wow...

Kate: alright yall, hope you have a great first day and see ya tomorrow.

(Nicky and Tate get off the bus)

Tate: you ready, Nicky?

Nicky: Yup...

(they head inside the school)

The principal was standing in the middle of the hallway, greeting everyone)

Principal Beyonce: Hello fellow singers!, welcome to Singer School!, for those who don't know who i am, my name is Beyonce and I have worked at the school for 20 years, I also wanna introduce you to the vice principal, Mrs. Cardi...


Principal Beyonce: I believe that is enough, Mrs Cardi.

Mrs. Cardi: Ugh, you're such a party pooper!

Beyonce: Anyways..., we have some rules to go over... No fighting, No swearing, No talking back to your teachers or me, Don't be late, No bullying... any of the rules that you break will land you in detention!

Mrs. Cardi: DUN DUN DUN!!!

Beyonce glares at Mrs. Cardi

Mrs. Cardi: I'll just go... (walks away)

Principal Beyonce: I hope that this school year is successful, just as every year that I drop an album and dominate you all...

Everyone stares at her in confusion...

Principal Beyonce: You should all get to your classes, cause the bell's gonna ring soon.

Everyone goes to their classes...

Nicky Youre: let's go, Tate!... Tate?

(Nicky doesn't see Tate anywhere)

Nicky: um..., excuse me, Mrs. Beyonce

Principal Beyonce: yeah?

Nicky: What class do I have...

Beyonce: let me check, what's your name?

Nicky: Nicky Youre...

Beyonce: Youre..., Youre..., Youre... Aha, you're in Mrs. Swift's class.

Nicky Youre: where's that?

Beyonce: It's upstairs, Room 1989!

Nicky Youre: thanks...

Nicky tries to find his class but accidentally bumps into a student

Nicky Youre: Oh my gosh, i am so sorry

???: It's okay, bro.

Nicky Youre: I was tryna find my class... do you know where Mrs. Swift's room is?

???: Yeah, I'm heading there too!, I can show you if you want!

Nicky: yes please!, I know we just met, what's your name?

Lil Nas X: My name is Lil Nas X, but you can call me Montero.

Nicky: thanks montero!

Lil Nas X: no problem...

And that's a wrap on episode 1!!!

see ya tomorrow for Episode 2 (Locker Buddy)


Singer School (Episode 5: Preparation of the Song Contest)

 Hey guys, sorry that I've been inactive for a month, had alot of stuff to take care of, but I'm back and ready to roll... and now, ...